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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hello World!

Hello World!

China has opened its doors to the world very recently. It welcomes visitors of all kind. But any first time traveler to China will wonder how to endure the trip to the cities of Chengdu, Ningbo, Dongguan, Nanning and even to the bigger cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou. While anyone can go around the cities in the west such as NY, LA, Vegas, Paris, Madrid, or London without any need for a guide, this is not the case in China.

How to survive in China is a dilemma for every foreigner whether they are travelers, businessmen, or job seekers. What is there to find in the cities? What kind of food to eat? Can people speak and understand English? Where to go to get help? These are common questions bothering the minds of people who plan to visit China.

Unknown to many, life in China is simple. It is so much simpler than living anywhere in the west. The Chinese are a bunch of friendly people as friendly as anyone else you will find. How to befriend a Chinese is the big question we need to find answer to. Understanding Chinese culture is a prerequisite. We may need to put aside our own sophistication and embrace their way of life. Eat what they eat. If you are from Rome, you can’t be a Roman in China.


krista said...

ThinkTank, this is krista. Remember my question at Y!A? ( )


ThinkTank said...

Hi Krista, thank you for dropping by. I visited your blog. Nice one.